This is journal of someone who is committed to the work of proclaiming the Gospel to His church and to the outer reaches of the world.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Renovare: The Latin word “to make new.”

Psalm 4.6
6 Many are asking, "Who can show us any good?"
Let the light of your face shine upon us, O LORD .

The gospel is the power to make things new…to bring light into darkness, life from death (Luke 1.78-79, Colossians 1.13), wholeness from brokenness (2 Corinthians 4:8-10, 2 Corinthians 7: 12-7-10)…beauty for ashes (Isaiah 61: 3)…The father welcomes the lost son into someone found with a garment, a ring and a feast (Luke 15: 22-24), the poor into the rich (James 2:5), it is this renewal and transformation that is to transform.


This redemptive force of “making new” is the hope for a desperate and harried world. Where does this force reside? God has equipped us with the commission to be a royal priesthood (1 Peter 2:9 ) which puts us in a unique position of engagement as that of a king and a priest; a position that is not appointed by man but by a living God.

As I move ahead in the new season of ministry with Pastoral and Laity Ministry of developing Asian American laity, it has been my passion and desire to bring to the sacred office of ministering towards each other and the community. It is in this movement of God’s people; a gathering of its people; a convergence; the church that I believe will transform lives in a city. This is something that has been a driving force in my desire to serve the Asian American church. I hope to bring community encouragement, practical resources and applicable strategies for the equipping to these faithful servants.

This new ministry to forge a new vision for the laity came from my 6 years served with The Chinese Christian Herald Crusades as Director of the Herald Youth Center. Since Chinese Christian Herald Crusades is a parachurch organization, we focused on partnerships with the churches to accomplish the work of outreach, evangelism and community services. I experienced the leaders and their passion and love of Christ and the people. I realized that many were overburdened and sometimes in need of perspective. Many struggled with the context in which they were serving. To be able to develop a church ministry that was both personal and social in its approach to discipleship and outreach. In that interaction and friendships, I often fellowshipped with them to discuss measured theology, a balanced vision, divine compassion, incarnate presence, and our delight in our relationship with the one true living God.

But another motivation is my passion for youth. In developing the Laity ministry, I wanted to see the emerging church to welcome the young people of this generation. Never, in the history of the world, has there been a more both dynamic and broken generation. Yet, in the church, the youth today are seeking a home for their spiritual and emotional cultivation. My hope is to continue to strive to make youth ministry into something that is dynamic and deep for this generation and to create an orthodoxy that is compelling and stirring among young people.

I pray that you can be part of that with me. It is my hope and my conviction that it is a much needed ministry to serve the Asian American community. My hope is towards bring a vision that is focused on discovering the legacy of those who came before us, who can provide a beacon to discover new ways of pursuing ministry so we can initiate a movement to build His church. Thank you for listening!

A fellow Pilgrim,

Peter Ong


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