Reflecting collides with the Future...

One thing that I have been meditating on is that "life is messy." We live in such a state of chaos without apparent boundaries...we have broken relationships, broken churches and we live in such disarra. Even our intimacy with God becomes a sense of unfocused worship and devotion. But there is such a yearning for the body to develop a spiritual cadence that walks in faith and deeds. I yearn incarnational lives in the church that will bring such a beautiful collision of light in darkness. I am not afraid of "messy things" but rather, exhale and realize there is so much healing that Jesus can bring here...and may I be an instrument of that healing. No more "God is good...all the time..." but rather walk as if we really mean it...and not some bandwagon fraternity chant.
NYC Comes to "Cuse (well for at least three hours!)
The guys from Jesus Generation came up to Syracuse to lead worship for One Voice event at Korean Church of Syracuse. It was a blessing to see them again and to reminded of what God has done in my years serving the Asian American youth. It is amazing to see them here and to reflecting on how memory arrives in such sweet ways. These young men are growing into such anointed leaders for Christ and really felt their maturity and their gifting as they invited God into that sanctuary. Herman, Simon and their friend Yelena stayed the night and they came to Syracuse Alliance Church
Laity Project
I had a wonderful opportunity this week to do some planning for a September launch for the Pastoral and Laity Ministry Asian American laity project. I am pretty excited of some of the ideas that I am exploring to help equip the Asian American leadership. Pray that God will continue to build this ministry and that there is provision.
My prayer support letter is done! I am sending it out this week. It will give an update on all that I have been doing for the last 6 months and a look ahead in the next six months as have a goal of raising $20,000 for the ministry. I know that it seems impossible but I know that even though I am working remotely, I believe that God can use a lot of the gifts and I am really excited to see what will happen.
Jamie and I are in the midst of some planning for our future. It has been a lot of exploration of what her program at Maxwell School for Citizenship and Public Affairs will require for us as it might include going overseas for a semester or even a year. I am thankful for this opportunity for Jamie to have an opportunity for such solid training. May it help us in our future to meet the needs of the global community. Personally, I am both afraid of what this means but also excited because I am moved by our love for one another...and to trust that we have God's best in mind for each of us.
Experiencing God
Jamie and I are continuing together to lead with a smallgroup study on "Experiencing God" by Henry Blackaby. I just had an honest time with my co-leader Dan and we were able to wrestle through some of our thoughts about church, ministry and the meaning of "authenticity..." I am learning through this process and I trust that God will continue to have His hand here.
I was invited to speak at the Mid-Hudson Chinese Church in May and June...getting ready to serve at Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference on Memorial Day weekend...and preparing for outreach coffeehouse at Chinese Evangel Mission Church Queens in two weeks, the theme will be "Above the Noise." I am excited that I am speaking for the youth track at New York Summer Conference at Hofstra...I am preparing my talks and they are really convicting my heart. I am beginning to really pray for those who are coming. Pray for just a passion sobered by truth.
Each week, I drive on South Salina Street and this week my friend Simon mentioned "these houses looks like they turn into haunted houses at night..." I replied..."what? houses are haunted only at night? What happens during the day..." I realize that many of the homes on this street are "urban" and there is a lot of hurting here...I want to be part of rebuilding these houses not just the physical dwelling but the spiritual home...yet, how does a Chinese American man be able to engage with these people who are predominately African American? The church wants to move in a direction that will impact this community...but they are mostly middle to older aged, I pray with an earnest desire because I know God loves all of us, to be united in some movement towards a deeper understanding of God through loving one another...but I don't know how...where do I begin?...I want to visit a black church and see how God is moving there...I want to see college student church and how they are impacting the Syracuse community...I want to see the International Fellowship Church to see what impact these fellowships are making in the lives of these future global ambassadors...there is so much to please pray for Jamie and I to discover more.
I have an opportunity to be part of ministry here in Syracuse but after some thoughts, I am more unsure of what God is leading me...I am partly confused, partly lost, and perhaps I am dont' know how to find a place for me to serve...I would be happy to just sweep the floors at this point...I wanted direction and not sure if what is in store for me...I believe that we are not called to a need but to a vision...
I met with the Associate pastor this week and I appreciated his heart and his integrity...and to just listen to his heart...I think that is enough for now...Pray for eyes to see, ears to hear, and a heart to surrender.
This has been a great week, special thanks to those of you who wrote. Especially to those in NYC who continue to remind me that God is working in 'Cuse. Even through some tough talks this week, I am persevering and discovering more and more...He is so good.
If you wish to support the ministry please send your support to:
Pastoral and Laity Ministries
48-19 196th Street, Fresh Meadows, New York 11365-1316
Please make the memo out to: Peter Ong/Laity Project
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