Redemption Policies

This week my computer crashed numerous times (this is my second time I am writing this!) I lost all my last entry...But it is all good. My Dell Desktop was acting up but I was spending most of time configuring the computer until I discover that it was my Firewall settings. Needless to say, I wasn't able to accomplish a whole lot.
I was able to finish up the content for the Chinese Christian Herald Crusades English Website, I sent it over to my wonderful web designer and awaiting his masterful creation. As I was writing and editing the site, I was amazed by all that CCHC does and continues to do for the sake of the gospel. The are so committed and it is part of their ethic that has been to reach everyone for the gospel. I pray that when the website is posted, people will be inspired to reach the Chinese for Christ.
I am still behind in getting my prayer support letter up, part of me is afraid of the prospect of failing again to get the support in time for an August launch of the Laity Project. Financially I am still struggling with part-time work. I may start looking for a full-time position if things don't go through or balance two part-time positions.
I had a good talk today with Asian American leader and blog-master, DJ Chuang, we were able to share our mutual passion for Asian American ministry. He recommended that I read "Building a Healthy Asian American Church" by Peter Cha. You can get a supplement chapter here. He is currently editing a book on Asian American Youth Ministry, I look forward to see the final copy of this. I look forward to cultivating our friendship and our pursuit of serving Him.
I am planning on attending Summer Institute for Asian American Ministry and Theology in June. I am hoping to connect with some of the Asian American leaders and to gain and offer some insight in the future. Pray for funding and for my time to be balanced as I am ministering in the summer.
I started preparing my talks for the New York Summer Conference, this year's theme is PERSEVERING FAITH "...These were all commended for their faith, yet none of them received what had been promised. God had planned something better for us so that only together with us would they be made perfect." -~Hebrews 11:39-40. I am amazed by the testimony of how God has written this poor pilgrim's life into something to be used for His glory. Pray for diligent preparation and for a focus on the biblical truth and to express it in a way that is credible and worthy of investigation.
I am planning on a personal time for meditation and retreat sometime in March to prepare for intimacy and love. I am going to Stella Maris Retreat and Renewal Center for two days to just spend time with God and His creation. Pray that my heart will be stilled...and that He will use it to be more discerning of His voice and direction.
Jamie and I were able to host a prayer meeting/pot luck dinner with the Graduate Students Intervarsity Fellowship at Syracuse. I am beginning to feel that Syracuse is my new home and new place for engagement and ministry. I met with Bruce Jackson who pastors Allegheny Center Alliance Church and is currently a consultant for our home church, Syracuse Alliance Church. I am hoping to be able to serve at the church at some official capacity. My heart is developing leadership and offering both biblical and real-life application with the church. Jamie and I had dinnere with a wonderful couple who invited us to serve as smallgroup leaders this upcoming season. Please pray that that God will cultivate our marriage through this first step of serving the church together.
I have been asked to speak at Navigator's Christian Fellowship at Cornell and also Living Stones Chinese Christian Church Fellowship at Buffalo for an outreach event. Pray for wisdom and balance as I am invited for different events and fellowship.
Please continue to pray for Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference as they are in the midst of final preparations for the retreat on Memorial Day Weekend. They are still lacking in some of the planning and I hope that I will be able to assist them in securing some workshop leaders and also to give encouragement to them as they are moving ahead this year.
I am coming back to New York in March 18th to see Jinny Kim's CD Launch and also to spend some time with family as they are planning to go to Indonesia to visit my uncle who suffered a stroke. Pray for traveling mercies and also for them to experience Christ (because most of my father's siblings have become ministers or believers!!!).
Please continue to pray for the following items:
-For my sister, she had a difficult and arduous meeting this past Wednesday with the lawyers. My niece has moved in with the father and there is seems to be an ugly divorce battle on the horizon. She has not taken the steps to pursue her faith and I am afraid has lost some of her momentum.
-For my Chinese studies, it has been time-consuming and getting more difficult, I am taking the midterm this week and I am anxious that I will be able to keep up. But the good news is that there are several students who are part of Campus Crusades and they are going to New Orleans for Katrina relief.
-pray for my workplace, I am building some friendships there and I want to be an effective witness and friend to them. I feel that there is a real desire for people to explore faith issues and I pray that it will afford me opportunities for engagement.
-pray for my family and their salvation.
-pray for the emerging church and that they would build a relevant and beautiful portrayal of the "eternal gospel" to all contexts and cultures.
Thank you again for being part of my minisry through prayer and encouragement.
Great to chat with you as well, hope you'll join our blog-driven discussion about the AA churches book that a handful of us will be starting up later this week
9:15 AM
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