This is journal of someone who is committed to the work of proclaiming the Gospel to His church and to the outer reaches of the world.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Return of the King

Hey folks,

I am on lunch break from my part-time job so here is my Monday updates! I just returned from my weekend trip to NYC. My friend Wai, John and Rich came with Jamie and I to NYC and they were able to take a look around while Jamie worked on her papers, and Melanie, Jamie's sister studied for her GRE. I was finishing up my sermon and ministry plan.

It was a good time for me to eat some dim sum, have great sushi and to run into my inspiring norman at sushi. It was a good time and had a great time meeting with Chinese Christian Church of NJ missions board regarding supporting me in ministry. I met with them for two hours and then had to preach. I taught on Genesis 22: 1-19 on the testing of Abraham and it was great to see so many youth there in this congregation. Drove home exhausted and slept for 10 hours...

The Ministry Plan is about finished, I will be posting it on the group as a pdf file...please give me your feedback.

Here is a chat I had with Dave Park about the immigrant and Asian American church.

Please make sure you vote on the website templates you like for me at the polls section in the group.


A pastor approached me this week and asked that I send him my prayer support letter because his church would like to support me.

During the Missions Board meeting there was a member who challenged me and encouraged me to developing this ministry because of the need. He also challenged me to go to seminary for the kingdom.

For my wife, during the missions meeting, she was such a support to me and it was something that opened my eyes to her direct support for me in ministry.

My friend Jenny approached the board of this ministry and asked that they support me.


Financial situation looks like it is moving but slowly. Pray that I am diligent in prayer and trusting in His provision. I have to draft a Christmas support letter.

I have been asked to speak at Long Island Abundant Life's winter retreat in February and another ministry in upstate NY asked me to be there winter speaker. Pray that God gives me wisdom and discerntment that what seems overwhelming, He woud provide for strength.

I was challenged to think about my speaking engagement with TECBC and thinking that I would rather serve the kids and the organizers instead of speaking.

Pray for the Academy for Asian American Laity would come along. I am looking at some dates in April for the launch of the Academy and to see where this would lead us. I will be leveraging Intervarsity and Alliance Theological Seminary. I am still working on connecting with some pastors to talk about some topics of interest for their congregations.

I am working with OCM on an Refl3ctions event in Chinatown for youth outreach...pray for logistics and for God to guide this event...for a larger equipping of the church.

Jamie is in Final week at ESF and have papers and exams, pray that I can serve her well and be a support to her during this week and also for us to grow during this whirlwind period.


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