Hello Friends and Family!
I am currently at the Syracuse computer lab writing this to you since my internet service at home is not doing too well. I hope you are all getting ready for your Thanksgiving Holidays with your family.
I just returned from a Delaware wedding of a sister who attended a seekers group that my friend Harvey and I started shortly after 9/11 It was amazing to see her up on the stage as a bride. Three years ago, I remember her coming to small group with a sense of wonder and wanting to discover her faith. She later invited her best friend and in the course of a year journeying together, her and her friend found God. So there they were…one the bride and the other maid of honor…and I was amazed to see how God worked. To see degree of work He can accomplish when we are willing to seek His face.
“It reminds us that God may use a crisis--even a severe one--to help us better understand his purpose for us and changes in direction he wants us to take. The point is especially redemptive to consider at this time, when our nation is reeling with grief over the events of September 11, and many of us continue in disillusionment and shock.”
Then I took some time to reflect and saw so many of those who came to the group became believers. One of them, is getting baptized, another is reaching youth through her profession and I think of them and their names and I am inspired by the grace of God. During my ride back, Jamie asked “what made that smallgroup so special?” and all I could say was that it was God. I remember wrestling through many of the questions that they had and in the end, it was just a simple gathering where we all tried to uncover this mystery of grace. I don’t think I had answers…just presence.
I went to Chinese Conservative Baptist Church (Jamie’s church) and I saw two youth from my work at Chinese Christian Herald Crusades and I was touched to see that his mother brought him to church. She shared that she was looking for me at CCHC and developing a heart for the Lord.
Prayer items:
* Pray for funding, I am working on a church prayer/mission support letter. I hope that it will be a source of encouragement for me as I am very far behind in my fundraising.
* Pray for preparation for my sermon at Chinese Community Church of New Jersey, I will be speaking on the Reversal of Fortune: Renewal through Sacrifice. I am also meeting with the mission board for their support of my ministry with PaLM.
* This past week, I was working a PaLM survey for the Asian American pastors to discuss the needs for the laity and I am approaching some Asian American leaders who can help come up with the survey with the appropriate questions and insights for the Asian American Academy.
* I am still thinking a great deal about the issues of the first and second generation Chinese Church and the challenges that are facing a unified vision for ministry. I have committed to writing a paper on this subject and submitting it to review for publication.
* Jamie and I are planning on staying in Syracuse for the Thanksgiving break since her parents are in Hong Kong and my parents are in San Francisco to be with my sister in certain personal transitions. Pray for wisdom and healing for the family as my sister is still seeking out her identity in Christ and for my parents to be a source of encouragement to her. We are hoping to host some international students on campus for dinner and to let them be part of our home and life here in Syracuse.
* I have been ask to be part of the Strategic Team at the church Jamie and I attend. I am praying for wisdom and discernment on the level of commitment and time I can give to this church. They are in the midst of some renewal and changes and seek my experience with building leadership.
* Pray for Jamie and I to continue to walk by faith, in our love for one another and for our marriage to be rooted in Him. Because of our schedules we have had a difficult time of a deeper devotion with God together. I hope that we can grow intimate towards God together. We are learning and He has put a desire in our heart for more of Him.
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