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Hi folks,
Happy New Year! I am back from my trip to Hong Kong and thank you for your prayers and support. It was a good time for Jamie and I to spend time with the parents and to get some great food. The weather was beautiful (around 60 degrees everyday) and had wonderful opportunities to explore.
We arrived this past Friday and had our "meet the Ong's" party in Chelsea...we had over 35 people who came out for some pizza, buffalo wings, pasta and tons of snacks. We had an impromptu time of sharing about our lives in Syracuse and marriage (it felt like a marriage/dating workshop).
It was a blessing to have a time of prayer and we capped it off with ice cream. The time was a reminder of God's provision of fellowship and I was able to share brieflyabout the vision for the ministry and their partnership.
Prayer Requests:
Logistics: We are back in Syracuse this afternoon and Jamie is taking an intensive five-day course this week and we are reorienting ourselves from the holidays to the work and ministry ahead of us. We have a lot of odds and ends of upkeep here. Including our budget and schedules.
Provision: I will be focusing on developing a new prayer support letter. Pray that God will speak through me in this letter and that there will be continued support from those who are moved to support. I am going to focus more of my time on fund development and also look for other sources of support.
Vision: I am focusing on developing the vision for the Academy and will move ahead in Spring for the launch and will use the summer as a time of developing a core meeting in the Fall. Pray for a clear vision and continued perseverance.
Ministry: I am going to decide this week if I will speak at the New York Summer Conference and preparing for my talk for the Grace Christian Fellowship at Cornell for their winter retreat, I will be speaking on "The Great Unknown: The Challenge and Hope of Faith" Still praying about TECBC and wanting to serve with the committee instead of being their speaker. Praying t through this. There will be a leadership meeting this Saturday at Syracuse Alliance Church and I have been invited to attend. I am still working out the details of a mentoring program for outreach and inreach for the church.
I am still in the midst of developing the website for Chinese Christian Herald Crusades but not sure if they will have the finances to support this project. Pray that God will provide the resources to develop this for this instrumental ministry.
Personal Items: I am planning on taking a course at Syracuse this semester and thinking about a literature course or a language course. Pray that God will use it to build up my mind and my heart for the campus students. Jamie and I are celebrating a renewed vigor in our marriage that has brought a new territory of intimacy and pray that God continue to guide our devotion time and our united life towards His glory.
Please remember my sister and her family in your prayers as she is going through some very difficult decisions about custody. It has been a trying time for my parents and myself as we feel so helpless.
Pray for our friends who are engaged and they are joining this wonderful covenant of marriage. May they continue to seek to bring their lives in sweet surrender to God and to each other.
Thank again for your support and I look forward to hearing from you.
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