This is journal of someone who is committed to the work of proclaiming the Gospel to His church and to the outer reaches of the world.

Monday, May 22, 2006

Circle of Glory

"It will be a happy day when we are more eager to see Christ than we are to see any symbol of Him that could be found either in the heavens or on earth. I do not want you as fellow students of the Word, to care about baptism, and the Lord's Supper and the Sabbath day and the church built with hands--except as these may lead you further into the inner sanctuary where is enthroned Christ Himself." Joseph Parker

Upon my trip to New York City, I reflected much on the words of Joseph Parker which reminded me of the hints of glory that are in our time here ...that these journeys are but a faint foretaste of what is to come....Whether it was when I drove south to the city or coming home going north...I arrived in two different places but always heavenward...there will be a day when we come to the full experience of God... when we will worship discarding any distractions.

This week I began to understand this with my mind, heart and soul... to focus beyond Syracuse and New York City...this is just a part of a circle of glory which are hints of the greater glory to come. From glory to glory (2 Corinthians 3:18) is where I find my hope and that is where I will remain...

I thank God for that reminder and for me to really know that I am a sojourners point and direct our heart and others towards our final destination towards God...that this life is filled with opportunities to take to task the walk that is worthy of our calling (Ephesians 4:1) we each have our response that will impact how we experience the wonders of our faith. I hope that we as pilgrims continue to urge each other towards the mercy and love of Christ, that when we arrive of the threshold of His arrival, we too, will be familiar with this taste upon our something so familiar and beautiful...enter into the wondrous place of such abounding grace and power...and the awe of His perfect judgement. And we will know, looking behind what this all meant.

Thank you again for stopping by or reading this. There is much to share and I want to keep it brief (yeah yeah yeah).

I had a busy and productive trip to New York City, I had met with John Lin, from Redeemer Presbyterian Church to hear his thoughts about Asian American ministry, Tim Keller and the possibility of having a dialogue with Dr. Keller with several local Asian American pastors to explore the phenomenon of second and third generation Asian Americans at Redeemer. I found his insight to be provoking, candid and challenging as he spoke about the "irrevisible" trend that as children of immigrants we are to be moving towards into a broader context of "American" culture. I am hoping to see where there could be more discussions and engagement with the local Asian American Christian community to dialogue more and to see what are the best practices for our generational churches faces new challenges and opportunities.

I was able to stop by to say hello to Elise Chong from Hope For New York at the Redeemer offices and we talked about working together for the Asian American Roundtable at the College and Career Eastern Chinese Bible Conference. It was good to see her and the staff as I have fond memories of how God used that organization to broaden my vision for mercy and justice ministries in New York City.

I attended the monthly pastoral meeting with PaLM, where I had the chance to meet up with Joseph Tsang from Vision Church (which I went to hang out with him at NBC Studios) and with David Koo from New Joy Fellowship who invited me to speak at his church as he is finishing up his dissertation. We were sharing about worship from the book Shaped By God's Heart. It was a challenging study and really enjoyed the discussion regarding excellence and if we are truly be excellent for God or for was a real treat to wrestle through this and I had the opportunity to drop in some emerging church lingo...haha...

I had meetings with two churches about some upcoming projects. I am helping one church develop a spiritual mentorship program in their church and worked out some of the strategies and logistical aspects of the program. With another church, I will serving with their College group and possibly with their youth group until they appoint a pastor to oversee the ministry. I am excited that there are opportunities for me to serve and that this is one aspect of the Laity Project that I am really excited is moving. Pray that God will guide our partnership and that there will be mutual encouragement. This is also a praise because they will be able to financially support the ministry.

We are making some final preparations for Refl3ctions Event in June 17th at OCM church where we will challenge the youth to engage with their seeker friends, we hope to have Neah Lee and Jinny Kim perform that night...Pray for our speaker and for the financial burdens of the event and for the planning.

I also had a meeting with organizers of OneHouse and excited to see the shape of the evening to pursue an active response to unity and justice...It was great to see old friends (Vicky, Joanna, Jasmine) and new friends (Albert and Glennis) serve in this ministry. This event is heavy in my heart as it is a growing passion of mine to seek global work with Jamie to offer practical grace to those who are suffering greatly around the world. Pray for my words to be anointed with conviction, exhortation and also a clear mandate from the word regarding justice. I am so thankful for this opportunity and for this challenge that is before me.

I had dinner with two dear sisters who are part of my core of new friends who God has placed in the midst of common passions for youth, wilderness experiences and of course, wrestling with what it means to seek Him in all things (including marriage, singleness and just overall day to day life). It was good for me to recount the ways that God has brought me from familiar places of darkness with them and sharing a common vision of hope.

I am heading out to Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference this weekend where I will do a workshop and also preparing for my sermon for the Mid-Hudson Chinese Christian Church the following Sunday.

Looking forward to my speaking at Hofstra New York Summer Conference and also hoping to connect this summer with several of the youth.

I will be presenting my website this week!!! It just needs a few more photos.

I came back late Friday night (it took me 5.5 hours to get home) but I arrived tired but affectionally welcomed by Jamie. I wanted to attend our local church's Crossroads Ministry annual Summer Kickoff Barbecue and also attend a rally for Joshua Revolution's "Field of Miracles" which a youth outreach in Rochester, New York on August 18-20. I met with Mike Chorey and it turns out that he was involved with the CallNYC in 2002. I was amazed by the worship lead by Jonathan Maracle of the First Nations ministry called Broken Walls. I had a chance to see them lead worship at Urbana 2003 where I heard one of the most life changing messages regarding ministry to the indigenous people of the Americas by Ray Adlred (see his talk here). It was an amazing time for me to see what God is doing here and in this region...Pray for my work with the youth group at Syracuse Alliance Church and that I will be able to serve out of a desire to honor our Lord's bride and for me to truly bring support to the leadership and the pastoral staff here.

I am wrapping up my time co-leading of the Grace in Motion Men's bible study. I am thankful for the men who are part of this and for their pursuit of authenticity. I am amazed by them and how God is working in each of their lives. We are finishing up this rotation and seeking God in what are next steps are.


Congratulations to Glennis Lo who raised all her support for her start with EPIC ministries. I am looking forward to working with her and seeing God raise up more young people to serve and work in ministry.

Pray for my financial support as well as it is coming down to crunch time for is make or break time for this summer, I am looking forward to seeing what God will do during this time of seeking support. Thank God for a supportive wife and for my part-time job in Syracuse which has been able to cover our expenses.

Pray for our dear sister Elizabeth who is leaving for Peru for missions tomorrow, pray for her time to be filled with opportunities to share and experience the gospel.

Pray for my friend DY who is going back to his home to be with his dad who is diagnosed with liver cancer. Pray for healing and for faith to seek His comfort during this time.

Pray for my friend CS who is going through such a tremendous time of trials right now, with both her parents undergoing cancer treatment and recovering from a broken engagement.

A special prayer for two couples who we found out they are expecting a new addition in their lives. Pray that God will bring them to a ready state of their hearts to be a father and mother. Hallelujah for this new season.

To Financially Support the ministry please send checks to:
48-19 196th Street
Fresh Meadows, New York
please mark memo: Asian American Laity Ministries or Peter Ong

Monday, May 15, 2006

beneath my knees

"I think that it takes great deal more grace to suffer God's will than it does to do God's will. If a person lies in a bed of sicknes and suffers cheerfully and is putting hope to practice, that person is as acceptable to God as if they were out workin in His vineyard. Amen!" Dwight L. Moody.

This quote made me pause a great deal this week. In some ways, I am learning that more and more that I have a opportunity to love and serve the community here. I know that it has been hard for me in so many ways, because of involvement in New York City and also because of my heart for the leadership and the congregation. Yet, I am discovering that there is a vibrant working of God's hand in Syracuse. This past week there was a Syracuse Christian Film Festival where the gospel was preached 80+ times and over 400 people made first time decisions for Christ. A sister at church said something so tender and sweet about her involvement in the film festival "Well, it was just My Jesus and me, working for His glory" and yet, I pause because I have felt that Syracuse has been my wilderness...and I have spent many hours praying on my knees for New York City without much thought about the ground underneath my knees.

Am I Jonah? Am I resisting what is so evident to that God has given me this opportunity to serve and to love those around me. I have met some amazing people here in Syracuse and also had my share of some people who have discouraged me as well. But this week I had dinner with a young couple who touched me with their faith and heart for the youth in the church and it is our hope that we can serve together...

Yet, I am reminded of the the heart of my savior to enter a wilderness to seek my simple and poor soul. I am beginning to love it here and to find the beauty of the people around me...and I can see that in my short time here, I am called to love without prepare for the wonders of what God has prepared...forgive me for such my blatant disregard. Now I rise and enter this with a new hope...and with a new vision to fast and to pray.

Hey friends and family and stumblers onto this little notch in the internet world where I share my prayer updates on meditations, ministry and other random thoughts. Hope you enjoy this weekly prayer udpate. I want to always give thanks to God for those of you who have emailed me and have passed on my information to others. I am very encouraged by your words and of course your simple gestures of recognition.

Well I have enjoyed a pretty interesting discourse on worship (featuring Dave Park, Billy Park and Peter Ong-Two Parks and an Ong). Stop by for a read and enjoy.

There is a new book on Asian American Youth Ministry published by L2 Foundation that is just released. Please check out the book at DJ Chuang's site, who is also the editor. I had a chance to take a cursory look at the book before it published and it is a stunning in the breadth and variety of perspectives that are presented here. I am excited to see the dialogue and insight that this collection will bring issues surrounding Asian American youth ministry. Pray that God will use this book to stir in the hearts of those working with these youth to a newer and more profound understanding of their important cultivation of these lives. For His Glory!

Asian American Laity Project
I am in the midst of funding for my Pastoral and Laity Ministry's Asian American Laity Project and I have made a financial goal of $10,000 in two months. Impossible. Yes for me...Impossible for God...I will let you answer that. Please continue to pray with me as I am pressing forth on this project. I am still working out the details for our Asian American Leadership Roundtable at the Eastern Chinese Bible Conference where Paul Tokunaga will be speaking and I am hoping that leaders from Campus Crusades for Christ, Intervarsity and the local church to gather to speak about some issues surrounding the church. I will be in the city for a bit to meet with some leaders and also friends. Pray for a fruitful time of engagement and sharing this vision for ministry.

My website is slow in coming. I am putting in more hours for my part-time job and I am getting a bit overwhelmed by finances. I need to get some serious time to focus on ministry. Pray that God will provide.

I was gearing up for my speaking engagement in NYC for Seekers annual Jesus Day found out that they have cancelled the event and moved it to another date that I can't speak. I was a bit disappointed that I will not go back to Brooklyn Technical High School, my old high school where I got found and lost over the course of my three years there (I came in as an incoming sophomore and skipped a grade...yes, to your disbelief, I was once smart).

But I am preparing for Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference where I will serve again as an advisor and presenting a workshop on college transitions. Pray for a keen sense of the spirit leading as I share my insight on pursuing faith in some of the most secular settings these kids will face.

I am finalizing my topic for my workshop at the New York Summer Conference youth track in July. I am doing a workshop called "Losing Your Religion: From Fronting to Authenticity" It will deal with a naked look at our faith, evangelism and the church. I am also finalizing my outlines for the talks I will be giving at the general sessions. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the words I will be sharing from the stage...may it be filled with His glory!

I am so excited to share at OneHouse 2006 event in NYC. I will be sharing a message about unity and justice. I am calling it "In the Likeness of God" and the expression of community that is focused on inclusion to point to the exclusiveness of God. I am being challenged because I am overwhelmed by this passion I have for unity...

I will be giving a sermon at the Midhudson Christian Chinese Church in three weeks. I will be giving a talk on "Discerning Salvation: An outsiders look at faith" I hope to speak to the youth and the families about who to engage in our culture with faith.

Continue to pray for ministry opportunities in Central New York, I might be serving on a campus ministry, youth ministry at church, or a local Asian American church in Syracuse. I just taking things in and spending most of the summer to discern where God is leading me.

Pray for my friend's dad who is praying each day as he is faced with cancer. Praise God that He became a believer this past year and continues to seek the Lord in the midst of his troubles.

Hey, praises, I found out that I got an "A" in my Chinese class!!! Woo Hoo...that is my first final I have taken in 12 years! Hallelujah!

Jamie and I will have to cover our health insurance this summer since she will be off her assistanceship. Pray for our diligence with our finances during this dry period.

Monday, May 08, 2006

Life After God

"My secret is that I NEED GOD-that I am sick and can no longer make it alone. I need God because I no longer seem to be capable of giving; to help me be kind as I no longer seem capable of kindness; to help me love, as I seem beyond being able to love." Douglas Coupland, Life After God.

Hello pilgrims and friends. You are my ever present reminders of God in my life. Thank you for your words that reach to me in so many ways.

A highlight this week for me was lunch with Syracuse Professor of Economics Dr. David Richardson. As he shared his encouragement for me to cultivate this new identity away from ministry. I was moved that he would pour into my life without any agenda apart from offering time as we shared a meal and our hearts. He reminded me of the Pauline enfranchisement that encourage and honor a younger Timothy(I Timothy 4:12). I pray we continue to build our relationship together.

I wanted to give a special birthday wish to my beautiful wife Jamie Ong who did wonderfully as she participated as a Hydrology "Expert" in a mock trial. She was wonderfully brilliant as she spoke about well meters and other "hydrology" stuff. Special thanks to Chi, Jenny, Lawrence and Melanie who came from NYC to Syracuse to surprise her for her birthday.

Jamie reminded me this week of the purpose God has for me in Syracuse. This week I was reminded of the position of ministry I had in NYC was orchestrated by Him. It is His. His. His only. Not mine. God did not have to choose me to do the work where I was able to experience so much of His power. It was His invitation. It was His mercy that made a simple ragamuffin of faith into such an instrument.

I am reminded of His Lordship...He gives and takes away...and to this...I am reminded, that He too left home where seraphims and angels adored and worshipped Him to arrive here among us for the greatest pursuit of really suffer the emptying of His glory so He can fulfill the painful and wondrous work of the Father. So, I pray that I am reminded of this...that I am here...and I am called to pursue God and pursue people. Nothing else matters...

Despite the initial resistance and the resistance for me to enter in...I have taken a tentative step to serve this summer with the Syracuse Alliance Church as I have been asked to partner with some of the youth workers and prepare summer activity with the youth. I will be coordinating several prayer walks with the workers, parents and youth. At the end of the summer I hope to coordinate an evangelistic youth outreach. After the summer I am praying to see where I will as I am exploring other possibilities of ministry in Syracuse. Pray for my service to this community. I really see God's commitment and His heart for the church...may I serve this team out of a reverence towards God.

Asian American Laity Project
The Prayer Letter went out to my closest friends and I am hoping that they will account for half of the funding for the launch of the PaLM Asian American Laity Project. I just found out that Asian American Ministry bloggers DJ Chuang and David Park will be coming to Eastern Chinese Bible Conference to participate with us on a Roundtable discussion regarding Asian American leadership and Laity formation. Thank God for this new development and may it be a springboard for the project and also for us to talk about some strategy for this ministry. The reality is that despite all these developments, I need to find the funding and I have to be diligent in the next three months to come up with the funding for this project.

The Journey of a Servant Website is 85% completed and will be up soon. It is one week behind schedule but I pray that it will be an opportunity for me to promote the Asian American Laity Project and a forum for Asian American Christians to discuss some of the important issues surrounding leadership and serving in an emerging and ever-changing culture.

Refl3ctions 3
The planning for the third Refl3ctions Asian American youth outreach event is in the works and we are planning for June 17th as the date for the outreach. Pray for our planning as we are inviting a speaker and have confirmed a special music guest. Pray for finances and for the support of the local churches as the youth come take this event as a way of reaching their friends!

I have been invited to speak for One House, (here is a flyer from last year's OneHouse event) this second annual event in September. The evening is focused on a profound mission of Christian unity and social justice. These are two of my passions on this journey. Pray that I be filled with the indwelling of the Spirit as I speak to my brothers and sisters. I will come up with a theme and talking point this week.

Hofstra New York Summer Conference
I have come up with the overall outlines for my talks at this year's New York Summer Conference Youth Track. I am so excited that I have this opportunity. As I am preparing for this conference. It is the largest Chinese conference in the states! Pray for preparation and for a deep meditation of the words that I will be sharing.

Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference
TECBC is less than three weeks away and I am so looking forward to spending Memorial Day weekend with these lovely little ones. I will be doing a workshop on preparing for College. I will be reunited with so many of the teens who I have seen grown. Pray for the speaker, leaders, the coordinators and for the youth who are coming as God prepares another generation of believers to be transformed by the hearing of the word.

Jesus Day
I just received a call from the coordinators for the Jesus Day in Brooklyn Technical High School and they ran into to some scheduling snags, I am not sure if I will be speaking there next week. But I might come to speak for Stuvesant High School if this falls through. Pray for the planning go according with His perfect will.

Pray for my friends' who have parents who are undergoing chemo therapy...for their families...that in the midst of these tears, there is comfort...and hope.

Pray for Jamie as she wraps up her studies and heads into the summer with an internship at beautiful Skateatenales for water treatment. Pray for our summer in Syracuse filled with nourishment from our marriage and worship of Him.

Pray for all our friends getting hitched! Special love to Duncan and Jennifer, Timothy and Heather, Hungy and Lillian and Harvey and Amy, of course to all the newlyweds! Blessings!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Comfort of Company

Hi friends and family! It has been a busy week so let's start updating! Thanks again for your words and your heart.

This past week has been great as I had dinner with a young couple who are growing in the Lord. It was nice to find such a sense of authenticity with one another and being able to share our common vision for God in the midst of us relating. Jamie and I were able to go hiking and see some of the beauty of God's creation (click here for more pics) as He granted us a beautiful weekend. We capped off the weekend with a beautiful dinner with two other couples who are all celebrating our first year wedding anniversary this was nice to just share our hearts and food...

Thank you for praying for my community here, I have been missing the companionship of friends and this was a nice way for me to connect again. Special thanks to Pam & Jeff, Mike & Margi, and Brian & Rachel.

A special thanks to Wendy for your words of encouragement and reminding me to see Syracuse with a different perspective and Joanna for always showing my heart is in good hands...and the very special email I received from Mike , my little brother in Christ to remind me that His work through me is still evident...both visible and invisible...God uses people as a source of encouragement and even strangers (thanks DJ and David Park) who have reached across cyberspace to engage.

Fund Development
My first tier of funding letters went out. I am hoping to do some follow-up calls with some of those I sent the letters out. Most of the people mentioned they received it. I am also working on a suitable database for funders for follow-up and to be integrated into a future website.

I will use wordpress as the default site for now and will build on it until I figure out my plans for the offical website. This website will be more focused on the vision for the ministry and function for funding purposes.

If any of you know of servers or if you are willing to offer some space from your server please let me know.

I am sending out the prayer letters out this week to a list of Asian American churches in New York City and also to Jamie's home church members and friends. She is drafting up a letter this week and I am humbled that she is joining me in supporting this ministry. I will also send out a letter to some of the local friends in Syracuse to see if they can come alongside the ministry. Pray for a stirring in the hearts of people to give according to how God speaks to their hearts. I have peace about this. There is a provision, Jehovah Jireh!

I had a good talk with a prospective staff from EPIC, the Asian American wing of Campus Crusades for Christ and we are exlporing how they can be part of the planning and the strategizing for the PaLM Laity Project. I really think that they can bring a lot to the table as partners in this ministry.

I had a brief discussion with some people about my home church Redeemer Presbyterian Church and the level of engagement that it has been having with the young Asian American professionals. I wonder if there would be an interest for Asian American churches to engage in a dialogue with Dr. Keller.

Refl3ctions Event
The event is set for June 17th and there will be an Asian American music artist to perform. It will be an outreach event to engage Asian American youth to pose 3 questions towards the youth. Last year was a huge sucess as an convergence event for the Billy Graham Crusades. There is a discussion for a larger group worship and unity rally for multi-ethnic youth. Pray for focus and preparation, we are also praying for local leadership for involvement and support.

One House
Praying for this unity event, I am still waiting for the organizers to contact me to work on this. The theme is unity and I am hoping that we look beyond unity for the sake of unity...but unity for the sake of reflecting the community of proclaim that we are capable of great things to turn the tide of injustice and brokenness through the expression of love we have for each other out of reverance for God.

Speaking Engagements

Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference
TEBC is right around the corner, I will working on a college prep workshop. I facilitated one last year that was quite thought provoking and I pray that this year, I will be able to get some resources from some local campus ministries and challenge the statistic that 65 percent of Asian American christians lose their faith in college...pray for the hearts of those who come to prepare for this new season of opportunity for God to grow them.

New York Summer Conference...It is in less than two months away...I am working on my workshop...and on my speaking. The CEMC Q Coffeehouse rekindled in me a passion to share with the youth and I forgot that I had this passion for youth...and it has been awhile since I spoke to youth...thanking God for that.

Jesus Day
There has been some potential changes in dates and I am working with the coordinator on this. I pray that things will be worked out accordingly to what God wants to do on that day. I am excited to go back to my old High School where my story unfolded discover God...and my subsequent fall but His eventual restoration of my life. Pray for words that are filled with truth and love.

Youth Ministry: Breakthrough
I am helping out with my home church's youth ministry and I am filled with both anxiety and hope. I am not sure what to expect as we are embarking on hosting a revival meeting called Joshua Revolution.

Korean Church of Syracuse
The English Minister and I have been playing phone tag, I pray that we connect sometime next week to share our hearts and our ministries.

Syracuse University Office of Multi-cultural Affairs
I have been wanting to bring Jinny and Koo to Syracuse University for a concert and also to bring some good creative discussion about the multicultural arts and faith. I am part of this group that is looking to start and there has been some speedbumps but overall a good experience to seek His will. But overall the friendships that are coming out of it has been fruitful as I am working together with this sister from church.

Jamie's Birthdays is Friday...tick tock...what am I gonna get her????

Pray for my Chinese Final this week...praise God that I have been doing quite well, despite my old age...hahahaha...but pray that I will be able to use what I learned for the future and for me to keep it up.

Shane & Shane is coming to Syracuse Alliance Church this Friday. Pray that God will continue to encourage people to come out and for the leadership who are organizing to have the strength they need.

We just received three wedding invitations this weekend!!! Pray that the most important person will be invited to that wedding...and that their journey towards the altar be filled with mystery and hints of God's affection for his people.

Pray for the families of friends who are going through parents' illness...there is a lot of hurting...and pray for healing and restoration.

Pray for this one sister who approached me at she is yearning to be authentic despite her past and the shadows that seem to haunt her...pray for freedom and for grace to abound. Pray that she reaches out and not turn inward...