beneath my knees

"I think that it takes great deal more grace to suffer God's will than it does to do God's will. If a person lies in a bed of sicknes and suffers cheerfully and is putting hope to practice, that person is as acceptable to God as if they were out workin in His vineyard. Amen!" Dwight L. Moody.
This quote made me pause a great deal this week. In some ways, I am learning that more and more that I have a opportunity to love and serve the community here. I know that it has been hard for me in so many ways, because of involvement in New York City and also because of my heart for the leadership and the congregation. Yet, I am discovering that there is a vibrant working of God's hand in Syracuse. This past week there was a Syracuse Christian Film Festival where the gospel was preached 80+ times and over 400 people made first time decisions for Christ. A sister at church said something so tender and sweet about her involvement in the film festival "Well, it was just My Jesus and me, working for His glory" and yet, I pause because I have felt that Syracuse has been my wilderness...and I have spent many hours praying on my knees for New York City without much thought about the ground underneath my knees.
Am I Jonah? Am I resisting what is so evident to that God has given me this opportunity to serve and to love those around me. I have met some amazing people here in Syracuse and also had my share of some people who have discouraged me as well. But this week I had dinner with a young couple who touched me with their faith and heart for the youth in the church and it is our hope that we can serve together...
Yet, I am reminded of the the heart of my savior to enter a wilderness to seek my simple and poor soul. I am beginning to love it here and to find the beauty of the people around me...and I can see that in my short time here, I am called to love without prepare for the wonders of what God has prepared...forgive me for such my blatant disregard. Now I rise and enter this with a new hope...and with a new vision to fast and to pray.
Hey friends and family and stumblers onto this little notch in the internet world where I share my prayer updates on meditations, ministry and other random thoughts. Hope you enjoy this weekly prayer udpate. I want to always give thanks to God for those of you who have emailed me and have passed on my information to others. I am very encouraged by your words and of course your simple gestures of recognition.
Well I have enjoyed a pretty interesting discourse on worship (featuring Dave Park, Billy Park and Peter Ong-Two Parks and an Ong). Stop by for a read and enjoy.
There is a new book on Asian American Youth Ministry published by L2 Foundation that is just released. Please check out the book at DJ Chuang's site, who is also the editor. I had a chance to take a cursory look at the book before it published and it is a stunning in the breadth and variety of perspectives that are presented here. I am excited to see the dialogue and insight that this collection will bring issues surrounding Asian American youth ministry. Pray that God will use this book to stir in the hearts of those working with these youth to a newer and more profound understanding of their important cultivation of these lives. For His Glory!
Asian American Laity Project
I am in the midst of funding for my Pastoral and Laity Ministry's Asian American Laity Project and I have made a financial goal of $10,000 in two months. Impossible. Yes for me...Impossible for God...I will let you answer that. Please continue to pray with me as I am pressing forth on this project. I am still working out the details for our Asian American Leadership Roundtable at the Eastern Chinese Bible Conference where Paul Tokunaga will be speaking and I am hoping that leaders from Campus Crusades for Christ, Intervarsity and the local church to gather to speak about some issues surrounding the church. I will be in the city for a bit to meet with some leaders and also friends. Pray for a fruitful time of engagement and sharing this vision for ministry.
My website is slow in coming. I am putting in more hours for my part-time job and I am getting a bit overwhelmed by finances. I need to get some serious time to focus on ministry. Pray that God will provide.
I was gearing up for my speaking engagement in NYC for Seekers annual Jesus Day found out that they have cancelled the event and moved it to another date that I can't speak. I was a bit disappointed that I will not go back to Brooklyn Technical High School, my old high school where I got found and lost over the course of my three years there (I came in as an incoming sophomore and skipped a grade...yes, to your disbelief, I was once smart).
But I am preparing for Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference where I will serve again as an advisor and presenting a workshop on college transitions. Pray for a keen sense of the spirit leading as I share my insight on pursuing faith in some of the most secular settings these kids will face.
I am finalizing my topic for my workshop at the New York Summer Conference youth track in July. I am doing a workshop called "Losing Your Religion: From Fronting to Authenticity" It will deal with a naked look at our faith, evangelism and the church. I am also finalizing my outlines for the talks I will be giving at the general sessions. Pray for wisdom and guidance for the words I will be sharing from the stage...may it be filled with His glory!
I am so excited to share at OneHouse 2006 event in NYC. I will be sharing a message about unity and justice. I am calling it "In the Likeness of God" and the expression of community that is focused on inclusion to point to the exclusiveness of God. I am being challenged because I am overwhelmed by this passion I have for unity...
I will be giving a sermon at the Midhudson Christian Chinese Church in three weeks. I will be giving a talk on "Discerning Salvation: An outsiders look at faith" I hope to speak to the youth and the families about who to engage in our culture with faith.
Continue to pray for ministry opportunities in Central New York, I might be serving on a campus ministry, youth ministry at church, or a local Asian American church in Syracuse. I just taking things in and spending most of the summer to discern where God is leading me.
Pray for my friend's dad who is praying each day as he is faced with cancer. Praise God that He became a believer this past year and continues to seek the Lord in the midst of his troubles.
Hey, praises, I found out that I got an "A" in my Chinese class!!! Woo Hoo...that is my first final I have taken in 12 years! Hallelujah!
Jamie and I will have to cover our health insurance this summer since she will be off her assistanceship. Pray for our diligence with our finances during this dry period.
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