Comfort of Company

This past week has been great as I had dinner with a young couple who are growing in the Lord. It was nice to find such a sense of authenticity with one another and being able to share our common vision for God in the midst of us relating. Jamie and I were able to go hiking and see some of the beauty of God's creation (click here for more pics) as He granted us a beautiful weekend. We capped off the weekend with a beautiful dinner with two other couples who are all celebrating our first year wedding anniversary this was nice to just share our hearts and food...
Thank you for praying for my community here, I have been missing the companionship of friends and this was a nice way for me to connect again. Special thanks to Pam & Jeff, Mike & Margi, and Brian & Rachel.
A special thanks to Wendy for your words of encouragement and reminding me to see Syracuse with a different perspective and Joanna for always showing my heart is in good hands...and the very special email I received from Mike , my little brother in Christ to remind me that His work through me is still evident...both visible and invisible...God uses people as a source of encouragement and even strangers (thanks DJ and David Park) who have reached across cyberspace to engage.
Fund Development
My first tier of funding letters went out. I am hoping to do some follow-up calls with some of those I sent the letters out. Most of the people mentioned they received it. I am also working on a suitable database for funders for follow-up and to be integrated into a future website.
I will use wordpress as the default site for now and will build on it until I figure out my plans for the offical website. This website will be more focused on the vision for the ministry and function for funding purposes.
If any of you know of servers or if you are willing to offer some space from your server please let me know.
I am sending out the prayer letters out this week to a list of Asian American churches in New York City and also to Jamie's home church members and friends. She is drafting up a letter this week and I am humbled that she is joining me in supporting this ministry. I will also send out a letter to some of the local friends in Syracuse to see if they can come alongside the ministry. Pray for a stirring in the hearts of people to give according to how God speaks to their hearts. I have peace about this. There is a provision, Jehovah Jireh!
I had a good talk with a prospective staff from EPIC, the Asian American wing of Campus Crusades for Christ and we are exlporing how they can be part of the planning and the strategizing for the PaLM Laity Project. I really think that they can bring a lot to the table as partners in this ministry.
I had a brief discussion with some people about my home church Redeemer Presbyterian Church and the level of engagement that it has been having with the young Asian American professionals. I wonder if there would be an interest for Asian American churches to engage in a dialogue with Dr. Keller.
Refl3ctions Event
The event is set for June 17th and there will be an Asian American music artist to perform. It will be an outreach event to engage Asian American youth to pose 3 questions towards the youth. Last year was a huge sucess as an convergence event for the Billy Graham Crusades. There is a discussion for a larger group worship and unity rally for multi-ethnic youth. Pray for focus and preparation, we are also praying for local leadership for involvement and support.
One House
Praying for this unity event, I am still waiting for the organizers to contact me to work on this. The theme is unity and I am hoping that we look beyond unity for the sake of unity...but unity for the sake of reflecting the community of proclaim that we are capable of great things to turn the tide of injustice and brokenness through the expression of love we have for each other out of reverance for God.
Speaking Engagements
Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference
TEBC is right around the corner, I will working on a college prep workshop. I facilitated one last year that was quite thought provoking and I pray that this year, I will be able to get some resources from some local campus ministries and challenge the statistic that 65 percent of Asian American christians lose their faith in college...pray for the hearts of those who come to prepare for this new season of opportunity for God to grow them.
New York Summer Conference...It is in less than two months away...I am working on my workshop...and on my speaking. The CEMC Q Coffeehouse rekindled in me a passion to share with the youth and I forgot that I had this passion for youth...and it has been awhile since I spoke to youth...thanking God for that.
Jesus Day
There has been some potential changes in dates and I am working with the coordinator on this. I pray that things will be worked out accordingly to what God wants to do on that day. I am excited to go back to my old High School where my story unfolded discover God...and my subsequent fall but His eventual restoration of my life. Pray for words that are filled with truth and love.
Youth Ministry: Breakthrough
I am helping out with my home church's youth ministry and I am filled with both anxiety and hope. I am not sure what to expect as we are embarking on hosting a revival meeting called Joshua Revolution.
Korean Church of Syracuse
The English Minister and I have been playing phone tag, I pray that we connect sometime next week to share our hearts and our ministries.
Syracuse University Office of Multi-cultural Affairs
I have been wanting to bring Jinny and Koo to Syracuse University for a concert and also to bring some good creative discussion about the multicultural arts and faith. I am part of this group that is looking to start and there has been some speedbumps but overall a good experience to seek His will. But overall the friendships that are coming out of it has been fruitful as I am working together with this sister from church.
Jamie's Birthdays is Friday...tick tock...what am I gonna get her????
Pray for my Chinese Final this week...praise God that I have been doing quite well, despite my old age...hahahaha...but pray that I will be able to use what I learned for the future and for me to keep it up.
Shane & Shane is coming to Syracuse Alliance Church this Friday. Pray that God will continue to encourage people to come out and for the leadership who are organizing to have the strength they need.
We just received three wedding invitations this weekend!!! Pray that the most important person will be invited to that wedding...and that their journey towards the altar be filled with mystery and hints of God's affection for his people.
Pray for the families of friends who are going through parents' illness...there is a lot of hurting...and pray for healing and restoration.
Pray for this one sister who approached me at she is yearning to be authentic despite her past and the shadows that seem to haunt her...pray for freedom and for grace to abound. Pray that she reaches out and not turn inward...
I really enjoy your blog! Thanks for your honest heart and truthfulness, it is refreshing to hear someone be real. Its cool to read about real people who serve Jesus.
I am a musician, and I would be honored if you would check out my music. All music on my site is free for download. Anyway, don’t want to be a pest, I just thought that I’d share.
“All my music is free.”
2:46 AM
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