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Here are the prayers for conference (it is on their website as well)
- Pray for our speakers, that God would prepare their hearts, refresh them and continue to bless them in their ministry
- Pray for our staff, that they would not be discouraged, that there will be committed servants who step up to take on larger roles at the conference (e.g. registration, youth variety night team)
- Variety Night Team: Pray for commitment from team, creativity that is rooted in God's Word; clarity fo God's message in their skits; for God to raise up mature youth that are ready to serve in this area.
- Worship Teams: God would lead us to the right people to lead us and teach us how to worship God in a way that pleases Him and glorifies Him
- For God to provide the right people to take on the larger roles in this conference to replace those who are moving on.
- For each person participating in the conference to take on financial responsibility for this conference; that each would give from the heart what they are able.
- For protection from the enemy, especially for the leaders and speakers.
- That the conference would run smoothly and we would all be blessed by God.
Here is a brief and ongoing list of prayer:
* Funding: Provision and encouragement as I am still raising support for the Asian American Laity Project, if you would like to learn more you can go to the PaLM website.
* Part-time work: When I get back to Syracuse I will be looking for another part-time position and possibly assisting with Intervarsity at Cornell.
* Home: Jamie and I are enjoying married life but discovering more and more that our devotions and worship are individually healthy but corporately need your prayers and counsel would be greatly appreciated.
That is all for now...
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