This is journal of someone who is committed to the work of proclaiming the Gospel to His church and to the outer reaches of the world.

Monday, June 05, 2006

Litany for Direction

"The All-wise, All-knowing God cannot speak without meaning many things at once." Cardinal Newman.

This week has been a centering experience for me. On each side, there has been diverse encounters with God through circumstances and prayer. But I feel spiritually worn, emotionally famished, physically tired, spiritually jostled while amazingly redeemed by the rampant work of God's grace. There is much uncertainty in this work...

Each step on this journey are riddled with so much doubt and I feel once again such a deep yearning and love for intimacy with trust...yet, I am compelled and love the Asian American church...and to continue to persevere through this pursuit of serving Him. But I am faced with the limits of what is being providing financially...But I will wait...and pray.

Thank you for your words and always the encouragement that comes from your prayers. Everyday, I am stirred in a pause to acknowledge the prayers that are lifted on my behalf. I offer my sincere thanks and appreciation for all that you do for His work through me. I praise God for the realization that I am the handiwork of your petitions and affections towards me. May we continue to spur each other on.

I was recovering from Teen Eastern Chinese Bible Conference where God continued to echo through the hearts of the youth, His desires for this generation of believers. I was amazed by their desire to go beyond the pale of basic faith...they didn't want to hear about "dating" but rather about winning their friends to Christ. Yet, I stand here humbled by their faith and their passion. They are truly walking sermons to me and I am still learning from them through their sincere sharing online: their testimonies

I was blessed by a call from good brother and spiritual journeyman. We shared our hearts for authenticity and faith. I apprecciated his commitment and how God is using him to pursue ensure that I am being real with him and most importantly with HIM. We are seeking to have monthly prayer to develop ourselves in the midst of serving Him.

My week was good and I had some opportunities to do some planning for the New York Summer Conference coming up soon. I am so excited to be able to share the word of God and realizing the wonderful privilege to speak to this generation of youth. Pray that I approach this with a sense of humility and responsibility. Pray that as I share God's word there will be a radiance of His glory through me.

I spoke at Mid-Hudson Chinese Christian Church this past Sunday and was so blessed to discover that it is the home church of a Esther Feng (who is married to the great Michaelf Feng) who goes to Syracuse Alliance Church. Also had the chance to catch up with my old and special friend Dr. Wai Lau and his family who served with me at Camp Herald ministries. I also discovered this was the church that one of my friends, Josh Chen served with. As I arrived and was greeted by Moses Lam, I understood why I love the Chinese church so much. One of our strengths is the deep commitment we have for the ministry and the church by the laity. God has blessed our cultural desire for the unity in our families. Their English ministry is growing and as I preached about the importance of mutuality in the generation of believers, I saw tears from the parents for their children. I know that there is a delicate dance that the church has with its first and second that many suggest is irreversible trend towards assimilation but I find that there is much for us to appreciate in the culture...much to learn from being missional and engaging. Jesus is the Lord of our culture and it is for us to acknowledge and celebrate this legacy that He is redeeming. At the end of the sermon, I was approached by several of the youth who were able to recite some of the points from my Hofstra workshop last year. I was deeply humbled as we recounted some of my illustrations and stories. I saw Dr. Lau's kids who I didn't even recognize as they have grown. I had a chance to meet with the Senior pastor and the deacons to share about my ministries and they are considering how they can partner with the ministry and support me. They have invited me to speak regularly at their church and I am praying for balance and also submission to God's appointment for me to share the word. But I must share this and confess...I feel that I have fallen in love with this reminds me of serving with the Brooklyn Chinese Alliance Church as a regular speaker and how much they showed me the beauty of the Chinese family church. As Jamie and I drove away, we saw children and parents preparing to put up their VBS signs and planting new flowers together, I rejoiced for their unity...a unity that is based on the first institution that God created; marriage and family. Pray for me as I consider how God wants to use me at this Church...pray for their ministries as they are seeking to reach the communities there for Christ. Also pray for those who are heading off to college in the Fall.

Refl3ctions is a little over a week away. We don't have a speaker and I think that the duty may fall on my shoulders. Pray for provision...pray for the artists Jinny Kim and Neah Lee as they bring their art to the hearts of the youth...pray for those who are inviting their friends to hear a message on faith.

I will be serving with Overseas Chinese Mission Church Zion (College) Fellowship once a month to speak. I went to their joint fellowship with Chinese Alliance Church where I enjoyed a time of worship and overwhelmed by the teens who I served are now in college and leading. I am also facilitating a mentorship ministry with Chinatown church, pray for diligence and vision for this ministry.

I will be speaking for Pastor David Koo at New Joy Fellowship Church at the end of June. I am excited for speaking at this church where I have met Kara Kim and learned about Broken For Good Records.

I am also preparing for the ONEHOUSE event in September where I will be giving a talk about justice and the church's response to this important issue.

Praise God for Glennis Lo who has raised her support! She is looking for an apartment in NYC so let's continue to pray for her future with EPIC and I look forward to see what God has in store for her.

Jamie and I are still working out our hearts as we serve one another. I am realizing that I am amazed by her support in the midst of the great unknown in my funding. She is so willing to support me and to go through this journey together. I praise God for her every morning. Pray for our marriage as we continue through our seasons.

Jamie and I will be heading out to a wedding this coming weekend for Duncan Hau and Jennifer Chan. Pray for this time of celebration as we gather to celebrate the mystery of marriage.

Pray for my refuge and my trust to be sustained...

To Financially Support the ministry please send checks to:
48-19 196th Street
Fresh Meadows, New York


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